The Hont region is located in the southern part of central Slovakia on the territory of the former Hontianska county. About a fifth of the former Hontian County lies on Hungarian territory.
The borders of the Hontian region are formed in the north by the Štiavnica hills, which to the south pass into the Krupinská plain and the Ipeľ basin. The region in the south extends as far as the Danube Plain. It is bordered on the west by the river Hron, on the east by the river Krtíš and on the south by the river Ipeľ, which is a natural border between the Slovak and Hungarian parts of Hont.
From an administrative point of view, the area is located mainly in the districts of Banská Štiavnica, Krupina, Veľký Krtíš (Banská Bystrica Region) and Levice (Nitra Region).
Due to favorable natural conditions, the southern part of the region is one of the oldest inhabited areas in Slovakia. Only gradually did the settlement move towards the north, to the more rugged areas of Krupinská planina and Štiavnické vrchy. The result is today's mostly agricultural landscape with rural settlements. Not only folk architecture has been preserved in the villages, but also traditional crafts and folk customs. Due to historical influences, the territory was formed as ethnically mixed. The northern part of the region began to be more intensively settled from the 12th century. The reason was the rich deposits of polymetallic ores in the Štiavnica Mountains, in the largest volcanic mountain range in Slovakia. The mining of precious metals together with German colonization significantly influenced the development of this area. The free royal towns of Banská Štiavnica, Krupina, Banská Belá and Pukanec grew up here. The greatest prosperity dates back to the 18th century, when the Mining Academy was founded in 1762 in Banská Štiavnica - the first technical university in the world. From the first half of the 19th century, there was a gradual decline of mining and the area gradually lost its original significance.

(2 km)
Jedno z najstarších sídiel Hontu, v tesnej blízkosti Dudiniec očarí svojim vidieckym charakterom. Atraktívny, zrekonštruovaný klasicistický kaštieľ v miestnej časti Kralovičová sa premenil na kongresový hotel. Kostol sv. Petra a Pavla patrí k pekným ukážkam sakrálneho gotického staviteľstva. Hony hokovských viníc ponúkajú pekné výhľady na krajinnú scenériu a na vinohradnícku architektúru miestnych ľochov.
Hontianske Tesáre
(7 km)
Tesárska roklina v katastri obce Hontianske Tesáre je unikátna prírodná pozoruhodnosť regiónu , krátke kaňonovité údolie, ktoré vzniklo ako produkt štiavnického stratovulkánu spred 15 miliónov rokov. V blízkosti rokliny sa nachádzajú dúpänce - skalné skrýše. Podľa počtu komôrok vytesaných do tufového podložia sa nazývajú Jednodierka (tieto sú v lokalite dve), Dvojdierka a Osemdierka. V osade Patkôš môžete obdivovať zvyšky zaniknutého románskeho kostola sv. Michala.

(15 min.)
There is a monument reserve of folk architecture Stará Hora. According to tradition, the cellars were established in 16. century as shelters from the Turks. The cultivation of grapes began in 17. century. There is also the Chapel of St. Urbana, built in 1732. Stará Hora is a unique space for cultural activities of the village, such as the feast of St. Urban.
(25 min.)
Krupina is one of the oldest towns in Slovakia. In the 16th - 17th century, Krupina was an important fortress, which ensured the defense of Central Slovak mining towns. The defense was served by a watchtower - Vartovka.

(30 min.)
To the south of Banská Štiavnica is the Baroque-Classicist manor house in Sv. Anton, which is mentioned as early as the 15th century. A part of the manor house is also a beautiful historical park.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.

(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.
(40 min.)
Banská Štiavnica is one of the most historically interesting cities in Slovakia. In 1993, the historic core of the city, together with the technical monuments in the area, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. There are many historical monuments such as Calvary, Square of St. Trinity and sculpture of St. Trinity, New and Old Castle, Klopačka, historic town hall and museums.